On health care in Iraq
Health care – or “Obamacare” – is still a buzz word around here. Though having been out of the country for two months, and completely shutting myself off from American politics, I knew that the tension of the healthcare reform would continue whether I was paying attention or not.
I don’t want to talk about the U.S.’s health care issues. At this point I’m ready to throw up my hands and say, qué será será. What will be, will be.
But I want to talk about Iraq’s health care issues because they’re bigger, and more dire, but there are people out there trying to take care of those problems.
I’ve blogged before about Dr. Aso Faiq, the only pediatric cardiologist in Kurdistan. I’ve told you that he can’t go to Europe for training because he cannot be approved for a visa, even a 4-day one. I also learned that though Iraq lacks pediatric cardiologists, there are adult cardiologists in the country. But the causes of heart disease in Iraq are not the same as they are in America (high blood pressure, obesity, inactivity). To be blunt, the kids born with congenital (in utero) heart disease die before they can see an adult cardiologist.
So … this is where we’re at.
Thousands of children in line for heart surgery – surgeries they cannot receive in-country because doctors don’t have the training. This is why organizations like Preemptive Love exist, to “eradicate the backlog of Kurdish and Arab children in line for lifesaving heart surgery.”
Some die without getting their hearts checked out.
I’m excited: this week the International Children’s Heart Foundation is traveling to Sulaimaniah, Iraq to perform 30 heart surgeries and train local doctors. This Remedy Mission is one step toward getting those thousands of kids into surgery in-country; no longer will sick kids have to cross borders for heart surgeries.
Preemptive Love still needs more money to bring the team in to perform heart surgeries and train doctors. We’re close, but not quite there.
Your donations will help improve health care in Iraq.
And save 30 kids’ lives!
* photo by, of course, the wonderful Lydia Bullock
August 14, 2010 Leave a comment
Creative Writing: Untitled
She clutched her mug. She took a sip. Lukewarm coffee. She set the mug down. Pause. She took another sip. Her friend asked her, “What’s he like?” She thought. But couldn’t answer. The words didn’t come. She knew in her head. But she couldn’t say it.
August 9, 2010 Leave a comment
The Phantom Tollbooth, pp. 118-119
“No one paid attention to how things looked, and as they moved faster and faster everything grew uglier and dirtier, and as everything grew uglier and dirtier they moved faster and faster, and at last a very strange thing began to happen. Because nobody cared, the city slowly began to disappear. Day by day the buildings grew fainter and fainter, and the streets faded away, until at last it was entirely invisible. There was nothing to see at all.”
“What did they do?” the Humbug inquired, suddenly taking interest in things.
“Nothing at all,” continued Alec. “They went right on living here just as they’d always done, in the houses they could no longer see and on the streets which had vanished, because nobody had noticed a thing. And that’s the way they have lived to this very day.”
“Hasn’t anyone told them?” asked Milo.
“It doesn’t do any good,” Alec replied, “for they can never see what they’re in too much of a hurry to look for.”
“Why don’t they live in Illusions?” suggested the Humbug. “It’s much prettier.”
“Many of them do,” he answered, walking in the direction of the forest once again, “but it’s just as bad to live in a place where what you do see isn’t there as it is to live in one where what you don’t see is.”
“Perhaps someday you can have one city as easy to see as Illusions and as hard to forget as Reality,” Milo remarked.
August 4, 2010 Leave a comment
Creative Writing: In Theory
Whenever I write fiction or creative nonfiction for my blog, I feel the need to preface it. So here I go.
I want to call this an outline. I have a concept for a story, but this is how far I got. It’s kind of a character sketch, kind of not. I haven’t decided who the girl in the story is – if she even needs an identity. Well. I’m digressing. Just read:
He took a sombre satisfaction in thinking that perhaps all along she had been nothing except what he had read into her. (This Side of Paradise, pp. 105-106)
She only liked Alex in theory. She liked the way he might have looked if he dressed the way she wanted him to. She liked the way he would take her out to her favorite restaurant and order her favorite wine and laugh at all her jokes and hold her hand by dessert. She liked how he would walk with her through the woods behind her house, down a path that didn’t really exist, and kiss her for the first time under the brightest moon she could imagine. She liked him for all of that, but Alex didn’t do any of those things. He didn’t even know how she spelled her name, much less her favorite wine.
Besides, she was with Sean and he had done all of those things, except that he wasn’t much fun to daydream about. Because when he takes her to her favorite restaurant, he orders her favorite wine without asking first, he laughs at her jokes but expects her to laugh at his, and he holds her hand from the appetizers to the chocolate cake. And when they walk down through the woods behind her house, the moon isn’t bright enough to keep her footing – she slips, but he catches her.
August 2, 2010 Leave a comment
Jesus Wore Klash
The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.
Kurdish men wear these funny shoes called klash. They’re handmade, hand-sown clogs with a hard sole and white top. Ever since Lydia and I first arrived at the Sulaimania airport, we saw dozens of men wearing these shoes with their juli kurdi, traditional Kurdish garb.
During my internship with Preemptive Love in Iraq, all the intern guys bought one or two pairs of klash. Jeremy and Gigs, the photographer, have klash too.
When Jesus came to earth 2,000-odd years ago, he didn’t come in a sparkly white robe with a glowing orb surrounding him.
He wasn’t the son of a king or religious leader. He wasn’t hot. He wasn’t a different race than the other Jews; he was from the tribe of Judah.
He was born next to sheep. He grew up learning a trade like all the other boys his age.
He was Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph. He lived among the people he wanted to help. He didn’t elevate himself to a higher position. Philippians says, “he made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant.”
People didn’t know him as that outsider coming in to change their situation. He didn’t market himself as a savior.
I wonder what would happen if Jesus acted like a lot of Americans doing development work overseas.
What if he only came for two weeks? What if he came with certain tools useful in his homeland, but not this one? What if his knowledge of the Hebrew people came from Disney movies or what he heard on the news?
I love that Jesus came and lived as a human among humans for 30 years before starting his ministry. He didn’t come out of the womb proving to be an expert. He lived like us. He worked like us. He dressed like us.
I’m convinced that if Jesus came to the Kurds of northern Iraq, he’d wear klash. If he came to America, he’d wear Converse or flip-flops.
And he wouldn’t talk like he knew everything,
without living in the culture for a while.
I spent two months living and working with Jeremy and Jessica Courtney, two development workers in Iraq. I saw how their way of living affected PLC’s work in Iraq. Locals respect them because they live like their neighbors: in similar clothing, in houses among other Kurds, they know the language.
Spending a summer with the Courtneys has taught me a thing or two about God.
We say that we have a LORD that empathizes with us. I get that now. Empathy implies experience. It doesn’t mean Jesus gets how we feel because he’s GOD and that’s what he does. It means that he gets it because he lived it.
* photo by Lydia Bullock
July 30, 2010 Leave a comment
Jeremy Courtney is legit.
I’ve had this blog in my head for a while. I didn’t want to write it until I was home in the States. I didn’t want anyone to think Jeremy coerced me into writing it. I promise: no coercing took place.
My friends and those of you who follow my blog know that I am very critical of “Christian organizations.” Can an organization possess faith? Is that even possible? Preemptive Love Coalition, though founded by a couple Christians, does not call itself a ministry or a “Christian organization” – it call itself a coalition of people, an NGO. PLC is devoted to eradicating the backlog of Kurdish and Arabic children waiting in line for lifesaving heart surgery and creating cooperation among communities at odds.* No secret agenda. It is what it says it is.
If you go on the PLC website, you’ll see pages and pages of company and financial information. PLC has no secrets. They have a very in-depth core values page, written by CEO Jeremy Courtney himself.
PLC is devoted to local solutions to local problems. The staff isn’t only using foreign money to fund heart surgeries, but takes donations as well. And Aram, our Klash maker, is a local business owner. All the shoes and all the scarves we make are made or bought in-country.
Jeremy, who was not only my boss for the summer but my mentor and Iraqi dad, is an incredibly intelligent, well-read, thoughtful friend, father and husband. He is legit.
The week or so before I left for Iraq, I got coffee with Dr. Perry, my professor and mentor. He told me I have unrealistic expectations for companies like RELEVANT that calls themselves Christian. But he told me to stay idealistic, and not succumb to cynicism.
PLC has renewed my hope.
Jeremy and the other PLC staff would not admit perfection. They’re broken people too. But they’re honest and transparent about it. They don’t put up a front. There’s nothing I respect more.
Working with Jeremy this summer reminded me that though not all ministry and “Christian organization” heads have integrity, some do.
I’m not done blogging about Iraq. I have a hard time processing anything when I’m in the middle of it. Now that I’m home, I’m starting to comprehend what this summer meant for me as a student, as a comm. major, as a writer, as a Christ follower and as a woman.
So get ready.
* Funny side note: the actual mission statement says “between communities at odds,” but PLC does not just create cooperation between only two groups, but many. Grammatically speaking, the word should be “among.” Thus, in the year-end review, I changed the mission statement to say “among.” Ha, sorry Jeremy.
July 26, 2010 Leave a comment
Nine of the fifteen people I live with
I love them.
Back-front, L-R:
Me! (Laurenzo)
Claireta “Killer”
El Presidente
July 11, 2010 Leave a comment
Happy (belated) America Day from Iraq
It’s fun celebrating an American holiday abroad. I highly recommend it.
We played Bon Jovi and sang along.
In all seriousness, living in a country that doesn’t have a Bill of Rights has makes me appreciate, if nothing else, the First Amendment. At home, journalists don’t get killed for speaking out against the government. Thank God.
I have privileges in the States that I don’t have here. As a woman, I can speak up in America. I can choose whatever career I want. I can join a union! I can petition.
Despite some of my issues with the American attitude, I cannot forget how blessed I am.
So the first and only time I’ll ever say it, and perhaps the last time I’ll ever say it again: God bless America.
July 9, 2010 Leave a comment
it’s all crazy; it’s all false; it’s all a dream; it’s alright
A huge part of why I’m in Iraq is to correct my preconceived notions about Iraqis, Kurds and Muslims – and yours too.
Joshua, Jeremy and the guy interns get to hang out with Sheikh Ali, a Muslim sheikh (religious leader). He’s not what you’d expect from a devout sheikh. He’s friendly and funny and hospitable – not what the news tells us about Muslim rulers like him.
The guy interns talk constantly about how much they love hanging out with Sheikh Ali. (We girls are a little jealous.)
Check out Jeremy’s video about our Muslim friend, and see for yourself:
The Sheikh’s Smile from Preemptive Love on Vimeo.
July 7, 2010 Leave a comment
Nom nom nom
I think I’ve grown out of my picky eating phase. Unlike 8-year-old Lauren, I now eat mushrooms, onions, thin crust pizza, Subway, most fruits, etc. I still won’t eat tomatoes, but that’s beside the point.
Finding food in Iraq that I love has been easy. (Good thing I love carbs!) Here are my Top 3 Food Preferences in Iraq:
1. Sara (long a sound) is my favorite restaurant in all of Iraqi Kurdistan. Claire, who wrote a blog post solely about her love for Sara, would agree. We eat there somewhere between 2-4 times a week – no exaggeration.
What I eat at Sara:
- Sada – beans, rice, and mystery side (you’ll either get cooked eggplant or cooked apricots)
- Naan – delicious flat bread. Fun fact: Kurds don’t like the fluffy edges of the bread; they eat the dry insides. We Americans do the opposite.
- Chicken tikka – chicken kabob. First of all, note the Kur-English. The word for chicken is mareeshk but if you order mareeshk you’ll get a whole chicken. The owner of Sara knows us – though, we can’t talk to him because we’re women – and he knows what we mean by chicken tikka. But seriously, this chicken kabob is the best chicken I’ve ever had in my entire life! It’s cooked with yogurt and tons of delicious spices. There’s no way I can replicate this at home.

The atmosphere’s the best. Pizza Plus has huge TV screens, perfect for watching the World Cup, and country flags hanging from the ceiling, A/C, banisters, etc.
- Roll chicken – chicken, peppers, onion and tomato rolled into a delicious naan wrap with special mayo-based sauce
- Chips – the BEST French fries I’ve had anywhere. Perfectly seasoned.
- Cheeseburger – decent, but not worth the 6,000 dinar. French fries on top
- Margarita pizza – wonderfully cheesy pizza. Worth the 6,000 dinar between two people
- Coke in a bottle – ultra fizzy
- Smoothie – they make incredible fresh smoothies and freshly squeezed juices
- Cake – when I got my cake from Pizza Plus, the nice man behind the counter put an L on it, just for me!
- Magnum bar: ice cream covered in white chocolate and some sort of nut. Tastes like a Dove bar.
- Bravo: the exact same thing as a Magnum bar
- Nut City: think Nutella, but BETTER
- Melody cafe: free Internet, but kind of smoky. Their ice cream is delectable.
- Blue cafe: delicious kiwi milkshakes, but kind of pricey. Free internet.
- Food Land: conveniently in PLC’s building, but the food is just so-so. A hamburger is cheap, so is pasta. If you order chicken and rice you get a big piece of chicken, rice, beans, soup and bread – totally worth the 6,000 ID.
July 2, 2010 Leave a comment