Tag archive: doubts

Screaming alongside us

Eli, Eli My God, my God, why do I forsake you while I hang on the cross of my screw-you, my hell-no, my let’s-just-get-this-over-with, my it-couldn’t-get-worse-than-this, my lies, my leanings and inclinations toward the better-for-me-worse-for-you? You’re the only one who… continue reading »

Poetry as Therapy pt. I

I’m working on a blog post for Scriptwriting about poetry as a form of therapy, which will go up this weekend, but for right now I thought I’d post an example of that. I hate that Dr. King and IWU… continue reading »

God, relationships, and an overuse of the word ‘suck’

Alright. Well. Here’s the deal: My favorite image of God is that of the Great Romancer – my husband. As a romantic, I have viewed Him this way even as a young girl. But, as we all know, relationships are… continue reading »

Holy the Firm, pp. 60-62

His disciples asked Christ about a roadside beggar who had been blind from birth, “Who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” And Christ, who spat on the ground, made a mud of his spittle… continue reading »

Grace grows in winter

Grace doesn’t grow in the springtime. Grace grows in the winter, when everything’s dead, when life is the brown sludge beneath your rubber boots. It comes as a surprise. We talk about life as having seasons. In the spring, life… continue reading »

one by one by one by one

3.Late Novemberand God is deadlike the maple trees and the leaves falling out of them. You did itwith a handful of the foliage of God, yanking leavesone by one by one by one—just so you know he’s gone:he’s dead. God… continue reading »


Hi, friends, from Sulaymaniyah. As you know from my last two posts, I started my Preemptive Love Coalition internship a few days late. (Thanks, Delta.) Tuesday was my first day; Wednesday was my first day in the office. I love… continue reading »

Georgia peach

“We are most deeply asleep at the switch when we fancy we control any switches at all. We sleep to time’s hurdy-gurdy; we wake, if we ever wake, to the silence of God.” Annie Dillard — I am supposed to… continue reading »

O Me of Little Faith

A review and commentary on Jason Boyett’s new book. — Context: I’ve been embracing this thing called doubt since last November. I could tell you the specific date, if I looked it up. It was that Saturday Jacque came to visit… continue reading »

only by prayer and fasting

“But if God is so good as you represent Him, and if He knows all that we need, and better far than we do ourselves, why should it be necessary to ask Him for anything?” I answer, What if He… continue reading »

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