Tag archive: Wendell Berry

Jayber Crow, p. 133

I am a pilgrim, but my pilgrimage has been wandering and unmarked. Often what has looked like a straight line to me has been a circle or a doubling back. I have been in the Dark Wood of Error any… continue reading »

Life updates, August 2010

I haven’t blogged to just blog in a while. I’ve written a lot about PLC; I’ve written a few creative pieces, but I haven’t just blogged. Granted, most of the time I blog I have some muse to inspire me.… continue reading »


Hi, friends, from Sulaymaniyah. As you know from my last two posts, I started my Preemptive Love Coalition internship a few days late. (Thanks, Delta.) Tuesday was my first day; Wednesday was my first day in the office. I love… continue reading »

Turkish Delight

I’m writing this in Sulaymaniyah, but I’m going to pretend I’m writing this from Istanbul. I’ll post my first-day-in-Iraq blog when I get to it. Perhaps when the Internet consistently works. (Come on, Lappy.) — The flight to Greece was,… continue reading »

only by prayer and fasting

“But if God is so good as you represent Him, and if He knows all that we need, and better far than we do ourselves, why should it be necessary to ask Him for anything?” I answer, What if He… continue reading »

Jayber Crow, p. 54

I said, “Well,” for now I was ashamed, “I had this feeling maybe I had been called.” “And you may have been right. But not to what you thought. Not to what you think. You have been given questions to… continue reading »